Going Green

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sweet Potatoes

I'm a sweet potato fan myself -- lots of butter and brown sugar -- mmmmmm!

Sweet Potato Promises Hunger Relief In Developing Countries

ScienceDaily (Nov. 21, 2007) — Sweetpotatoes, often misunderstood and underrated, are receiving new attention as a life-saving food crop in developing countries.

According to the International Potato Center, more than 95 percent of the global sweetpotato crop is grown in developing countries, where it is the fifth most important food crop. Despite its name, the sweetpotato is not related to the potato. Potatoes are tubers (referring to their thickened stems) and members of the Solanaceae family, which also includes tomatoes, red peppers, and eggplant. Sweetpotatoes are classified as "storage roots" and belong to the morning-glory family.

Scientists believe that sweetpotatoes were domesticated more than 5,000 years ago and...(complete article here).

Seriously, sweet potatoes are a great, healthy food source for the developing -- and the developed -- world.

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