Going Green

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Urban Gardening and Water Allocation

I enjoy gardening although it seems that any more I have little time to devote to it. This article from Australia takes a common sense look at gardening in an urban setting and the impact on water usage.

Where to water

The inventor of permaculture is among those calling for backyard farmers to be freed from water restrictions. Katherine Kizilos reports.

IN A drought year, during an era of climate change, what does it mean to be a responsible gardener? Cactuses, paving and a sculpture near the barbecue? Or an old-fashioned vegie patch, fruit trees, herbs and a compost bin in the corner?

Some serious gardeners are now questioning the conventional wisdom that the best way to save water at a time of low rainfall is to put a clamp on the hose. While pushing the use of rainwater tanks and grey water, they also argue that growing fruit and vegetables at home is, in the words of David Holmgren, "the best thing you can be doing" for the environment.

Holmgren, with fellow Australian Bill Mollison, devised permaculture, a design system for sustainable living and land use. He puts his...(complete article here).

Water is becoming the number one issue for the world. The ideas espoused in this article may not fit the aesthetic sense of some, but the water and energy savings from these ideas could be significant if implemented broadly.

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