Going Green

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Conservation Tactics Resource

Increasingly, landowners are interested in managing their properties in a manner that is beneficial to wildlife. This is due not only to the aesthetic values they provide but also because of the income potential. The article linked below will lead to a bibliography of published works available for best management practices for various species. Intended for wildlife professionals, it is also valuable to landowners seeking to maximize the wildlife potential of their properties.

Conservation Tactics to Help Fish and Wildlife Thrive Featured in New Bibliography

Friday, January 2, 2009

Texas Energy Efficiency Study

It makes good economic sense to be as efficient as possible with power usage. We just completed installation of a new central heating and cooling system in our home. With the technological improvements since our previous unit was built, we should save about 40% on our electricity usage with the new unit. It will pay for itself in less than 10 years at that rate.

Electricity study embraces energy efficiency for state

The Winds of Nicaragua

For some energy-starved countries, wind is becoming an increasingly important source of power.

Nicaragua adds wind power to energy mix

Summary of Poznan Climate Conference

The following is a link to:

COP14—Poznań Climate Conference Summary

Whatever your thoughts on climate change, it has definitely become a part of our world economic situation.